Honestly had no idea about Cafe CanCan. Someone I work with had made a reservation but could not go, so asked if I wanted to go. Always open for something new I decided to accept.
Located in a small, cute white house, we walked into an inviting, warm, pink room To the left side was a line of tables and the right a beautiful bar.
We were quickly greeted and seated. Server was very helpful and knowledgeable.
The menu is not large but the selection is wonderful.
I started with the Vesper cocktail. Mmm so good and very strong.
Glass of beautiful Cab Franc with dinner
I started with escargot, followed by the burger and ended with the Armagnac Creme brûlée.
All the food was fresh, wonderfully prepared and perfectly proportioned.
They had a foie gras menu that I will be going back for. There was one made with strawberries and rhubarb that I think will be perfect for patio season.