OK, update on this place. They have a shelf of items past their expiration date, for sale at a discount. Super cool idea, right? I hate food waste as much as the next guy, and am not overly concerned about "best by" dates, so I deliberately picked up some veggie stock that was a few months past expiration date. And felt good about it.
When I got home and started using the items though, I noticed that *all* of the items I purchased were past their expiration dates. Not just the stock. Literally, every single product. Not a huge deal to me if things like dried pasta or canned tomato paste are a few weeks or months past their prime. But some of the items were *years* past. One date stamped on a product was early 2013. It is now 2016. Normally I'm good about spot-checking dates, but I didn't at this store because I'd assumed everything past would be on the (designated) "past" shelf.
I should note the prices here are higher than basically any other grocery store I've ever been to. Initially, I didn't necessarily mind since I realized it was an out-of-the way place with limited inventory. But, come on! Don't charge me 3x what a normal store would charge for an expired product! Poor form. Check the labels.