| - People need to get over it! This isn't the 1950's anymore, Dr's don't come to your house. They are an OBGYN office, which means they are specialists, not Primary Care Physicians. I have never had a bad experience at this office. Ive been going there for 7 years. Have I had to reschedule an appt because the Dr. is out doing a delivery...yes, again its an OBGYN office! If you don't like that, than find a plain old GYN. Do they charge for extra stuff, yes, and they should because it takes extra time from them. Ask questions before you go there, if you're too lazy to go across the hall for an ultrasound, then find an office that does them in-house. Keep track of your own appts, them calling you to remind you is a courtesy. You are a grown woman, and don't need someone olding your hand and keeping track of your stuff! If your pap comes back abnormal, and YOU decide not to follow their advice, then make your own follow up appt! They take care of thousands of women every year, you are unfortunately are not the only woman in the world with an abnormal pap. Act like grown ups and take responsibility for your own health. There isn't a Dr in the world that has never ran behind, but you know what makes them run behind??? Patients! Patients who are late for their appts, who say they're coming in just for a pap but it turns into something else, etc.... There is a reason the receptionists ask what you are coming in for....they need to give you the appropriate time with the Dr. I'm so disappointed in some of these reviews, bunch of cry babies! If you don't like a Dr, NP, or PA, just dont see that provider anymore....its simple. Everyone has different personalities, just because theirs don't match with yours; don't bash them on the internet, Get over yourselves, and good luck finding the "perfect" provider....FYI: they don't exsist. CPWHC ROCKS!!!