I went to see a doctor over rapid weight gain and my sleep apnea preventing me from getting any real rest leaving me fatigued and sleepy constantly. I had blood work done before with blood drawn by the butchers mistaken as phlebotomists. I was stuck two times in each arm with the needle swung around more than a pendulum on a running grandfather clock. After ensuring I was in plenty of pain I was then stuck on the top of my hand with more swinging needles and even more pain yet and now a big bruise on the top of one hand to match the two huge bruises freshly chopped up inside my elbows. They tried to say I was dehydrated, but two 54 oz cups of water drank 2 hours prior says it's not my fault nor my blame to take.
So the doctor goes over the blood work on appointment day and all my symptoms. He says it sounds like I have sleep apnea and noticed a problem on my EKG from the physical. I'm referred to a cardiologist and everything else ignored. I asked what I can do about the pain in my ankles while trying to keep losing weight, I get laughed at to my face and indirectly called a junkie when I'm told that's not a reason get any pills. I was shocked, they can see right on my record that the last prescription I had was 3 years ago for ANTIBIOTICS after spending 8 hours with a quack in Cigna urgent care who just shrugged after 8 hours of never figuring out why I'm sick and wrote me up for antibiotics and tamiflu. I go to the cardiologist who confirms the heart problem and confirms it's symptomatic of sleep apnea. I knew all this but needed them to prescribe the sleep study for Cigna to cover it...and that's all they had to do with Centrix taking care of the rest. Just one elementary easy fax to get my sleep apnea diagnosed and treated, but Cigna and their doctors will have none of that. Even after all this they still refuse to get me the help I want, apparently because they think I'm a junkie from taking antibiotics and antivirals 3 years ago with documented near ER symptoms, and they pushed me off to someone else. I still go without sleep and still the same problem continuing with my heart, but who cares about the Hippocratic oath when I'm dead and the insurance company saves money.
Stay away from Cigna doctors and Cigna as they apparently still like the old VA method of saving money. Especially this location.