Horrible. Where no one answers the phone and the wait is well beyond an hour. Sad part is there is a few people roaming around stocking and fixing shelves, you would think they can help but they don't. They pretend like you don't exist. Been with Att exactly a year and since enrolling everything has been a mess. From switching over, to lying about switching over and giving you money to pay off your phone and buying back your phone. Still have not received any reward after multiple submission. First I was told my phone was not received when the store took it from me then after 6 months they said it's here at the warehouse and now 6 months later still nada. Even seeing a manager at a store couldn't answer to why and told me they would investigate. it's easier to find a robber here in Vegas, then to figure out where my rebate is at I guess. We're talking about $1500 that I had to pay Verizon myself to pay it off the values for my old phones all four of them was $600 and no rebate. I don't know why I left Verizon I've never got let down my connection never failed. You get what you pay for. When enrolling the rep said my monthly would be $240 thinking I save $100 from what I was paying with Verizon, tell me why I'm paying $336 with bad connection, for months they tell me it's going to shift and change it never did. And the price shift from month to month and we have the unlimited plan. Sure unlimited, if I did my monthly should be the same.