Typical bro bar. but great food.
Lets Start out with the good:
I Looove their chicken Quesadillas. I eat there everytime i do girls night out on mill.
Now the bad:
This place is a Brodeo. everytime im in their im the ONLY GIRL there. The Bouncers are Egotistical douches. The guys there are a bunch of billflipping Metal mulisha/stars and straps wearing BROs. I gotta get out of AZ. The food servers are nice tho. The Bartenders Suck I dont know why anyone would allow people so slow to be bartenders. Some guy called fish was OK but slow. then there was this completely retarded blonde girl who was obviously hired for her looks I mean shes a complete Bro-Ho Bitch. Rude, Slow, i mean ur a bartender not a spokesmodel. UHHHH! whatever. Its a miserable experience, but ill keep coming back for the quesadillas.
anyway I just turned 21 and will be reviewing all the bars on mill like Que Club, Robbies and Zuma which r awesome! and cherry and margarita rocks which suck.