Be me, 22M full time student no job
Thursday hits hit up Denny's with the bros for the weekly Godly worship
Server comes around, super friendly, everyone orders food finally server get to me I look around at my friends putting on a strong face nothing wrong (don't show them how you feel inside)
NOT FINE INSIDE, it's 10pm been studying and going to my hospital clinicals all day no food in my belly no cash in the bank to even feed myself off the 2/4/6/8 menu (I have bills to pay)
I secretly check my bank apps in hope to find the funds to wave down the server to order some food
But it's over the server brings out the food, funds unavailable for myself I look in horror as my friends stuff their face and I'm left hungry another Thursday night.
Gone every Thursday to Denny's coming out depressed and starving... The only thing I see from Denny's to this day is depression.