I always teeter between three and four stars at Trader Joe's. It's nothing personal they just always so... crowded. Carts are everywhere, people stop in the middle of the aisle while being distracted by cookie butter. It's pure chaos. This particular Joe's is a bit more chaotic because it's located on the outskirts of a shopping center in Summerlin. Parking is a bit of a crunch.
My kitchen is still under repair so I'm still without an oven or stovetop. Don't get me started. Trader Joe's is heaven because it's mostly pre-made food and always delicious.
The staff here was wildly friendly while I was on the hunt for already grilled chicken. I didn't catch his name but he walked me all over the store showing me all my options. Lemon chicken, balsamic chicken, strips, just chicken. My options were endless. With a full cart of chicken (and other delicious treats) I made my way to the register where I was greeted by chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels and a super friendly employee who rang me up and sent me on my merry way. Three full bags of groceries for $150. I love this place.