I had been here once a few years ago to attend a workshop when I was contemplating a degree as a ND (Naturopathic Doctor). But still unwilling to leave my cushy government job I headed back up into the mountains of AZ.
Fast forward 5ish years and I am living in Phoenix, yet again looking to follow what I feel to be a calling. A calling to continue my education, to help myself so I can help others. I have started to attend some of their seminars and attending some of their student clinics. Still reluctant to leave my cushy government job just yet, I just go and enjoy my time and the the knowledge acquired in each little course.
The staff, students and teachers have been professional and welcoming. They offer a loyalty card for their student clinics and occasionally offer free group sessions.
For now I am just trying to be aware of the "signs", let life happen, and let each day be.