i bought the homemade chocolate and vanilla fudge.. i liked the chocolate fudge, disliked the vanilla one, but thats personal taste... i loved loved loved the store itself.. it reminds you of the old movies of the 50s... really old fashioned.... i loved it!! and all the old sweets which you cant find anywhere anymore!! there were cherry hard sweets for sale i remember being a young girl i used to love.. i never found them anywhere anymore and now i did.. only 25 cents a pack!! only thing i think would be really good for the busseniss if they would give you smale samples.. im from europe and i never tried fudge before.. i didnt know what it was.... i love chocolate and sweets.. boulder city is a touristical place.. i think more people from europe pass there and when they see the shop for sure they would like to take a look inside.. if you have never tried fudge, a typical american candy, then you dont know what to expect really.. the fudge and chocolate homemade sweets are really pricy!! so to buy different stuff if you dont know weihter youll like it or not is risky... if they had simples, then for sure if i liked it i would have bought way more as im a lover... but as there wasnt i didnt want to take the risk of spending to much money and maybe not like half of it... so thats just a tip id like to give the company!!