After a terrifying trip to an emergency vet who told me my dog wouldn't make it through the week, and that I should put her down that night, I sought a second opinion at Phoenix Dog Cat & Bird Hospital the next morning. Ginny was scared and I was a mess, but they were extraordinarily patient and kind. Hugh has been Gin's primary doctor, working tirelessly with Kayla to figure out what's wrong with her. It really is a team effort here, as everyone who works there knows her case and pops in to give her ears a scratch when we come in.
It's just over 2 months now, since our first visit. Ginny's symptoms are controlled with meds and she's doing great(aka, still super alive). She is, however, an old pup. I know the time will come sooner rather than later. I am completely confident that when that time does arrive, these gentle humans will have done all they can and what is best for my girl.