| - Strike another one from the Bookmarks list.
I think about the things that attract me to any given bar:
* a good cocktail list (check: 107 has a decent selection of martinis and specialty cocktails)
* bargains (check: 2 for 1 martinis, 5-7 every night)
*something old-timey or vintage (check: it's the Stratosphere, for God's sake! Check out the neighborhood...)
*a hip atmosphere (not quite, but everything else makes up for it. The clientele here run the gamut from young midwesterners ordering Long Islands to a tour bus load of old ladies to me and B - good-looking, trendy, but not hipster, locals who enjoy a good cocktail, obviously!)
*a view (check, check, triple check! This place is on the 107th floor, with windows all around so you can see everything from North Town to Sunrise Mountain to Red Rock...oh, and The Strip, too)
Level 107 delivers on most accounts, and it's not very well-known, so you feel like you've find some kind of diamond in the rough, too. From now on, I will be taking discerning out-of-towners and interested locals here regularly!