"SHH! What's the secret?!"
Really, there is no secret cause it's pretty obvious where all the after party goers straight out of Marquee go when they are done clubbing. And for those that don't know or are a bit reluctant at getting in line, just trust yourself and follow the smell of oven... baked... pizza.
Yeah, I didn't think you'd resist, and neither could I.
I LOVED Secret Pizza... if only for an after clubbing meal cause my ass surely was already dehydrated, and the idea of tomato pasta sauce to "quench my thirst" was more than enough.
The pizza was delicious, even though I'm sure the alcohol made it taste better. The crust was doughy and delicious, and a very generous sized slice for your stomach. The Pepperoni Sausage was a personal favorite! Gotta go for the meats to curb the appetite.
The only thing I was sad about was that if you wanted to order a whole pizza for yourself, it could only be one kind (as in you can't have half of it be veggies, and the other half be pepperoni salami meat lovers delight). But fair enough- it helps keep the crowd moving.
By all means, spread this little secret. It'll make your Vegas clubbing night just that much better. (Following this you should be going back to your hotel and partying some more)