I'm generally not a fan of walking into a coffee shop and ordering food, but I was pretty hungry this one morning.
It's somewhat difficult to find Maverick simply because it's behind all the shops and boutiques off Shea and Scottsdale Rd. I was somewhat lost I must admit. Needless to say, I ordered me a cup of Americano; which to me is a cup of coffee since I'm no connoisseur of coffee. I like it black and that's about it. For my breakfast I went for the panini egg sandwich with bacon, pesto, and cheese. Overall, the coffee was solid cup of Joe. As for my sandwich; I dig it cause the panini bread was lightly toasted creating a crunchy outside texture and warmth of the bread help with keeping the eggs at a warm temperature. The bacon was salty as it should be while the pesto and cheese gave it a mellow scent and taste.
In the end, Mavericks is a good'o coffee shop with a good vibe. With entrepreneurs and students alike crowding the homey atmosphere while the barista calls out their caffeinated beverage. Mavericks also has an array of baked goods on display so that's a must next time around for me! - Enjoy!