| - Alright. Truthfully, I'm being a little harsh because I know my way around some comedy. I had a semi-pleasant time here, but a few simple, otherwise easy to fix things about this place just killed my buzz. For one thing, I was told by the staff that there are no bathrooms. To go to the bathroom you need to leave and go to some bar in the Pepsi Forum building. How the hell does a comedy club not have their own bathroom?
Another thing - American talent. Am I supposed to be impressed that two unknown American comedians came here to tell me American jokes filled with American content? I'd have appreciated some Canadian comedians who would have known what jokes the audience would and wouldn't "get." For example, a ton of America-centric jokes about Denny's restaurants, American politics, and black people were made that nobody understood because of cultural differences (I only understood due to my having lived in the US). They were often met with puzzled looks by the audience. Also, a "joke" was made about how Canada should start a war with Quebec and Montreal and kill everybody (there was no other punch line), which was greeted with an intense and uncomfortable silence. How did he think that one was going to go over with a room full of Montrealers? Great? Anyway, I know the comedians' material isn't necessarily up to the Comedy Nest, but I would have appreciated them a) doing a little research on the comedians they chose before hiring them and b) hiring some local/Canadian talent. The Just for Laughs festival isn't in Montreal for nothing.
The only positive aspect of the Comedy Nest that I can tout at this point is that they do participate in fundraisers for important causes, which I must acknowledge is pretty cool of them.
However, until I see evidence to the contrary, for now I will assume this is another one of those mediocre comedy clubs that only cares about getting asses in seats and not enough about getting people to laugh. Rung one on the comedy ladder. I doubt anyone who went to the show I went to will ever come back. And I doubt I will either.