| - A letter going out to On the Border CEO Clark in todays snail mail.
August 21, 2013
Stephen V. Clark
Chief Executive Officer
On the Border Corporate Headquarters
2201 West Royal Lane
Suite 240
Irving, TX 75063
Mr. Clark.
I thought I would write to you today to let you know that I have been a loyal customer of your restaurant chain for many years. When I travel on business and get to my hotel I usually look to see if one of your On the Border restaurants is in the area and at least once a week I will wind up having dinner there or just hang out in the cantina for a while. Most often on business trips I visit your outlet in Kennesaw Georgia where my company is located.
When I moved from Connecticut to North Las Vegas in the fall of 2011, I was pleasantly surprised to find one of your restaurants not far away in Centennial (5630 Centennial Center Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89149). I actually found out about this particular On the Border because I received an email from your corporate office regarding a free lunch for Veterans Day or Memorial Day 2012 (I can't recall exactly which one.)
And this is where my problems with your organization began and why I will no longer visit your restaurants.
1. I went to the Centennial location for the advertised Veterans special; I sat down and asked for the Veterans Day menu and I was summarily told that this particular establishment does not follow corporates advertising and marketing campaigns. I was not pleased, however, I still ate there that day.
2. The week of August 4th 2013 I took my son to your restaurant. My son is 3 months shy of his 21st birthday and he is an active duty United States Marine (at the time on leave from Okinawa Japan.) While here in the Las Vegas area, my son has never had an issue sitting in a restaurant cantina or bar as long as he is not consuming alcoholic beverages. On this particular occasion we were going to order lunch while sitting in a booth along the windows as far away from the bar as possible. It was not long before we were summarily kicked out of the cantina into the regular seating area. I was informed that since he is not 21 he couldn't be in the cantina. Well, it was annoying but if that's your corporate policy, I figured we would get over it.
3. At least twice a month my wife and I visit this location for Taco Tuesday. The day before my son returned to his Okinawa unit (August 13, 2013), we returned to your Centennial location for $1.25 Taco Tuesday. I walked in the restaurant and mentioned to the manager about what happened the week before, that we could not sit in the cantina, but we wanted Taco Tuesday. He told us he could not serve us Taco Tuesday specials in the main restaurant and that since my son was not 21 and could not go in the cantina, he could not take advantage of the Tuesday special! He wasn't very pleasant about it either.
After I gave your manager a piece of my mind, my son and I did an about face and ate at one of your competitors locations down the street (in their cantina no less!)
As stated above, I will no longer visit any of your locations, local or otherwise.