First off, the only bathroom in the clinic is located in the waiting room so people walk by you with cups full of urine. I thought that was really odd.
I waited three hours to get a vaccination form sign for my graduate school program in the USA. It's a pretty standard form and they looked at me like stamping a form was a foreign concept. They also didn't seem to recognize the immunization record thing that Health Canada gives out. I can't stand that kind of stupidity so it annoyed me.
Also, they aren't a walk-in clinic but they have a doctor who does walk-ins. The walk-in isn't first come first serve. There were three or four people who got there hours after me but saw the doctor before me. If I didn't say something to the lady at the desk, I would have sat there all day.
Overall, this place sucks. There are great clinics in this city but this is not one of them.