This is located inside Monte Carlo Inn. The restaurant is relatively smallish. I only saw 2 waitors/waitress and the manager/ owner. There was a 4-course meal that included soup (lobster bisque/ clam chowder) or salad (cesear salad or smoke salmon salad), an entree from the menu, dessert (daily) and coffee/ tea.
I ordered the Clam Chowder for appetizer and Atlantic Salmon with Terriyaki sauce. The chowder was kind of fishy cause of the clams i guess. I have never had that happen to me before. The Atlantic Salmon took over 30 minutes to come after finishing the appetizer. When it finally arrived, the salmon was small. Rice/ pasta was available with the entree. I chose rice but never knew it would be that little. Also, the salmon, in my opinon, it was seared a little too long for my liking. The sauce was not Terriyaki. It was more soya sauce then sweetness.
Dessert was a mango mousse cake. They used have panna cotta but they didnt have it tonight.
Btw, if you plan on going frequently, then I recommend you getting the 10% discount card. The only bad thing is that you can only pay cash and not credit when using it.