| - So, when you adopt a dog with a penchant for mischief and mayhem, she will do things. Very bad things, like pee on your dry-clean only quilt just for the heck of it. Off to Permaclean I went, in hopes to clean this now-stinky, filthy quilt. Searching for prices online, I was expecting a large dent in my wallet to clean this stinky mess, but was pleasantly surprised when I was quoted around $25 for my queen size quilt. Unfortunately, they weren't able to dry clean the quilt due to the pee, and had to wet clean it, which made me a bit anxious that the colors would bleed (My sister has the same quilt and the colors faded and bled like heck when she put hers in the washer).
As I was in no hurry (They will ask you every time if there's a certain day you need your dry-cleaning by), I came by about a half week later, and the quilt was good as new! It was nicely packaged on a sturdy hanger, colors still vibrant and crisp.
Thanks to Permaclean, dog-pee crisis averted. Thanks for the great service!