Saturday afternoon. Hungry for Pad Thai. The door handle was a struggle to get open. Thought they were closed but I was really craving a good Thai dish and forged on twisting the handle hard. I would have given this place 4 stars but really the dish wasn't that memorable. The tables looked clean and the staff was friendly but pretty involved in their own convo.
I took a seat in a booth and ordered Pad Thai Chicken. The Thai Ice tea was refreshing. A retail neighbor walked in saying he's watched several people walk away when they saw the couldn't get the door handle to open to this place.
I paid 12.45 + tax for pad Thai and a tea. They stuck on a $1.00 sur charge for not paying cash. $15 minimum to use your card. Eh, guess I missed that on the menu. (Groaning- hate being nickeled and dimed).
It was a fair experience. I do kind of giggle at Thai ladies screaming at each other, although in their own native tongue I would imagine that's just normal conversation. To the outsider it's kind of hilarious how animated they get. I felt like a guest in this ladies kitchen. I don't remember getting a "thank you" from her although I did say thank you to her.