I have a home warranty and called for a repair to dishwasher, the dry cycle wasn't working. The first time they came my dad was here to let them in. They told him nothing was wrong and left with my $75.00. Called them to come back and made sure I was here, tech used a gauge and told me "I was not crazy" it was not registering heat. Ordered a part, came back installed new part and said if that doesn't fix it call us, it could be something else. Ran dishwasher still no dry dishes, called back. They told warranty company they closed my case, nothing wrong I just need to use Jet Dri. Warranty company sent different company this morning. Technician pulled dishwasher out (ADA did not) reset a part in the back, Just ran the dishwasher my dishes are dry! From now on home warranty call I will insist they use Home Appliance Service, would have saved so much headache had they come first.