| - My coworker and I decided to try this place. Upon ordering a burger, the gentleman on cash asked if my coworker would be dining in or taking out. My coworker said he was dining in, and restaurant worker indicated 'okay but no outside food or drink'. I had about 2 sips left of a McDonalds iced coffee and my buddy had a...get this...a CONTIGO water bottle, with tap water in it.
I'm 100% certain he pointed at both of our 'beverages', and repeated 'no outside food or drink'. If Customer Service was just nice and indicated, 'Hey you know what guys, we really value your business but since we have limited space, we can only allow those without outside food to sit inside the restaurant', we would have been more accepting, and I'd gladly go outside and finish my drink before coming back in.
But to straight up say it in a very defensive, rude, dismissive tone that resembled something to the effect of 'get rid of your drink or get out because we don't need your business', just gave me a very toxic vibe about this place. The energy is like the restaurant - dark and somewhat out of place. Note to the restaurant owner - if someone brings water in, in a re-usable, environmentally friendly container, just let them drink it. Water/hydration is a human right after all, right?
Needless to say, my coworker asked for a refund and we went to the Roti shop beside, which was nice, friendly, not bitter, and actually quite cheerful for a Tuesday afternoon.
Main take back: it's not what you say - it's how you say it.