| - Being located in a hotel parking lot, I imagine many a business traveler comes here. Maybe even as a single diner...
As was I this week... I was not asked if I wanted to sit outside, which clearly is the draw, was placed at a 4-top, straight on from the entrance, in the middle of an empty room.. Save for the couple with 2 small children that were clearly not having a good evening.
While perusing the menu, listening to the murderous screams from a child and hilarious henpecking from the wife, the choice of whiskies began to make my mouth water..
7 minutes in... No server to greet me yet or take my double Bulliet order.. Just as I started to feel sympathy for the Dad, the other child decided to race her shadow across the room. Sad to say, a table corner beat her to the finish line and celebrated by bitch slapping the little girl in the temple.
At this point, I realized that the server wasn't coming, because this family made him rethink every life decision that had led him to this point... Weeping softly out back sucking a cancer stick was way more appealing than serving at that moment..
When I mentioned to one of the hostesses that, "there was a lot going on over there," and that, "I was just going to head out," she gave me a snotty look that I could have interpreted as disgust towards me.. Looking back, I believe she rolled her eyes because I could leave, but she couldn't...