We landed at Col Mustards after being told of a 35 minute wait at another establishment. In contrast, Col Mustards was a bit sparse in terms of patrons as it was a bit early and the music would start after 9:00pm. However that did not stop the live band from a few hours of sound checks and banter which some may find a bit much trying to enjoy a quieter time. It was a bit out off ish to listen to stop starts of some old standards with the bass drum over and over with some older dudes taking off their shirts to change to their stage shirt.
The server was very eager and pleasant, someone who enjoys what they do and appreciates her customers. 5/5 for service hands down.
The food was pedestrian with fried from frozen fish and chips and an overly done burger with fries which hit the spot. Asking for a microbrew, we ordered a pitcher for $20.00 which was a nice compliment to the meal.
For a fast and easy night with a buddy, this should do this trick. But I would ask for less overkill on the sound checks.