Just OK, perfect way to describe this place. This place is almost always packed, I'm still not sure why. In my opinion, it can't be the food which is just middle of the line. Their price range is fine, and their burritos and taco's aren't bad either. My issue stems back from when I ordered the steak. It was cooked well done and I ordered it medium and the sides didn't impress me at all. My dog ate the steak for dinner that night. The herb chicken is pretty good, no denying that. But too much of a good things can turn bad, just a little much, even if you do like herbs. It was tender and flavorful though. I did tell myself if I go back I would try the scallops. They look good and come recommended from the wait staff. If I ever do make it back again for a third time (doubtful) I will get them a try.