My experience at this place my first visit was good, I got my teeth cleaned and the hygenist did a good job but their manager's customer service is horrible, I told her I wasn't working and I could make payments every two weeks for my responsibility of the bill after insurance paid, so I got a bill for $60 and before I could even look at the bill good the manager was calling me on the phone and left a nasty message on my voicemail saying that I better call her back or else, well I don't do well with threats so I never called her back and I was just going to pay the bill like I planned but before I could even do that she threw me into collections, the bill wasn't even two weeks old, I mean seriously, they put me in collections for $60 and the ink wasn't even dry yet on the statement, so that right there soured me on this dentist and I found an even better one. So even though I liked the hygenist the customer service of the manager is why I'm only giving them one star. You could be the best dentist in the world but without good customer service you will lose your customers. I work in healthcare and if you want your patients to continue to come to your office you can't be calling them and leaving threathing messages on their phone. I don't understand, what was the purpose of me setting up a payment plan with her if she was just going to turn around and stick me in collections. That's bad business.