I bought a car from drive time and it immediately started showing problems. The check engine light just "magically" came on while I was driving home from the dealership that day. The sales agent had the nerve to tell me that he was insulted that I would imply that drive time would shut the check engine light off just to sell a car.. Every car I drove after that had issues. Either the breaks were grinding, the steering was bad, or it made weird noises in the engine area. Drive time is trying to sell cars that aren't even worth $1500 for $9000-$11000. Really? And by the time you pay off your car you've paid $20,000 for it after interest.. This place is a rip off, and when you aren't completely satisfied with the car you're test driving and want to see other cars, they get annoyed with you as if you should just settle for any crappy car they have on the lot. If I am going to sell my soul to you people, it better be worth it. Don't go to drive time for a car. You'll be better off taking the bus.