I don't understand how this place can stay in business...
I bought a groupon for my fist set, loved it.. The girl did a great job. I even sent them two referrals. After my first visit they offered me a deal for a refill. When I called 2 weeks later to redeem my "deal" the girl on the phone told me that they could not longer honor that deal BUT could in exchange give me a different deal (similar to the prior one)... I agreed to the new deal and asked them to put it in the system as I was getting different answers every time I called. She spoke to the owner who agreed. I offered to pre-pay so there would not longer be any miss understating... she said "no problem you are in the system" when a few days later i went to get my refill even though the notes in the system said "approved for a relief deal" the owner said she could not honor me that deal... and of course, she could no give me a reason of why she could not honor me the "deal" agreed upon a conversation a few days prior.
In addition to that, the owner told me my lashes had to fell off and could not do a refill anyways... well... I had had my lashes done less than 3 weeks prior. When you put them on they tell you they last 3 weeks... I feel terrible because the friend i recommended did a refill and her lashes fell off a few days later... so sad that some pp cannot be professional enough to take responsibility for their actions and their words.