I took my niece over to the hospital to have her checked out. This kid is never sick. She was feeling warm had trouble walking and very flushed in the face. I dressed her in some sweats and away we went. Upon our arrival we were greeted by the kind front desk girl.
She kindly took down our info and got us sent back promptly. Nathan was our nurse took her symptoms and list of any medications she was on as well as talked with her about how she felt. Another nurse, a woman, entered the room and took the vitals. We were then told to wait and we would get to see the Dr.
I have been here about 4 other times. In the past this has been a great place to take my sister who suffers from Lupus and has on going symptoms that we have to combat from various illnesses that attack her immunity. Her kids have also been screened there for strep and treated for summer colds.
We dont go to doctors regularly for small things. Its not a religious belief it is simply and educated system we have come to learn by because of finances and because most of the time the body can heal itself with proper nutrition.
That being said Dr. Gary Herring is a complete asshole. He spoke to us like we were uneducated and idiots when it came to vaccinations. Well Gary this is the deal I am not handling a child that is 6 weeks old or even 6 months old she is 10 years old and she had shots the first 1.5 years of her life and honestly in my opinion they dont fucking work Gary!
I am here because she feels bad and the flu is serious and your response to me is the only way to combat the flu is to get a vaccine that is the only thing that will kill it. Sorry Gary that is not correct and physicians like you are why I do not trust the medical system.
Gary for your info the flu shot is a preventative measure. And it only works on the strain it was developed to combat. There are tons of strains out there. None of which the flu has been successful at destroying, your words not mine!
Gary you refused to administer a influenza test. You refused to administer a strep test. You Doctor refused to service us because you assumed we were un educated and had a religious belief that warranted no vaccines. You also assumed we were Gay! You lectured us on your experiences with your vast knowledge of under privilege people who are at fault for the disease that roams the earth. All while you fly around the state in your private plane because your some mad scientist touting how if we all got vaccine we would all be cured and the common cold would cease to exist along with the flu.
Your endless lectures about vaccines were un warranted, un invited, and unnecessary and specifically not the reason at all I was there. The fact that I did not have vitamin K smeared in my eyes is because neither parent had an STD thank you very much and this is by no means a preventative measure to the fuckiing flu Gary!
Also your life story is unnecessary in front of my niece. You Gary were in a very unhappy marriage and you now are divorced with kids who are expensive and dont like you and probably for justified reasons! The sad story you ranted about had no business being aired in front of the kids nor was it pertinent to the visit at hand. So Gary the sad projection of your life must have gotten to you. You must have had a professional slip of the mind perhaps there is a vaccine for that, that you can inject yourself with a cure. Your wife or shall I say X wife has found the cure its called Divorce! Good for her! #imwithher
No one entering any emergency room should ever be scrutinized because of life choices and life style and religion. We are there to be recognized and treated accordingly. you failed this family and you failed this hospital in the very mission that is laid out in their persuit of health and well being.
You sir were a very cantankerous older man with some issues of what your projection of a perfect life would be in a healthy world. Gary take a fucking vacation on that puddle hopper you got parked out front!
I for one am concerned about the medical professionals and the advise they try to pound into the public about life style. I am also not going to sleep well knowing I have a sick kid at home that you flat out refused to take care of because you have issues.
Thanks for the bulls shit rant on if parents just gave their kids meds it would all go away.... blah blah. I appreciate the z pac I hope you got it right because in your fine example of life as we know it through your eyes you sir have allot to work on.
If anyone else needs the complaint line this is it!
480-840-3789 call and tell them your experiences!!! I will be calling first thing in the morning!!!!