Extremely disappointed and put out by the service at Coulter Cadillac of Tempe on my CTS-V.
I live in Alaska and my car was in phoenix I had not seen it for about a year and it had a different driver for that time. I had it towed in to Coulter due to it having a flat tire. At that Time I asked them to look over the vehicle and tell me EVERYTHING else it needed. I was told it was good to go besides some body work that they quoted out at 1000 to repair. ( I inquired in to the price and how I thought it was low but was assured that they will do a VERY good job.)
Once the Vehicle was completely "repaired" I asked if the dealer would be interested in purchasing the vehicle. They were and gave me their price ( a fair price that I apppericated) Their used car buyer let me know that the radio wasnt working. Frustrated that this was not brought up in the inspection but understanding people miss things I asked again if there was anything else at all, and was told no.
Friday the 10th I fly from Alaska to Phoenix to pick up my CTS-V and to drive it Seattle with a deadline of being there in 48 hours. The first thing that I noticed when I walked up to the service drive was my car (thanks) second thing I noticed the exhaust was cut off behind the rear axle and did not exit at the bumper as designed. They had no solution for this other then me waiting a week to get it repaired.
Annoyed and with no time I leave for Seattle. Once I had time to cool off and do an inspection on my own vehicle I was even more disappointed.
Remember tell me everything wrong with the car is what I told them.
The left front tire has a big gash in the sidewall (not road trip worthy)
The exhaust is missing from the rear axle back
The body work is cracking and there are buffer trails though out the repairs.
the hood strut does not keep the hood up.
the 249 detail looks terrible there is still gook around the shiftier and smudges on the dash.
There is a vibration while braking at 80.
The front brakes are squeaking.
As an automotive shop owner and technician I feel safe to say that they did not care about my safety in this vehicle, they did not care about making sure the job was done properly, they have no pride in their work.