OK, I know; "1 Star is rough, Mack!"
I desperately want to give these guys 5 stars for great concept and cheesy originality but alas, even with the trays of Twinkies at the register, it just isn't meant to be!
We were actually in town looking for holsters for our Glocks and decided to check out ZAS too. This place is really just a tiny novelty store riding the trend, and aside from some MREs and cheap blades there's no real survival or preparedness paradigm behind the zombie target posters.
If you're already in Vegas, it's definitely cute for the kids but not worth going out of your way for. I hope someone from ZAS reads this; You guys are so close to pulling off something epic but you need to really commit. The chick behind the counter didn't even know who Romero was. I mean come on! Really? REALLY!?