If only they didn't charge an overweight fee for luggage, i would have filled mine with an iron buffalo and been on my way. So many great things (and photo ops as seen in my new profile pics).
I bought a $12 metal flower for my aunt because she collects all things turquoise and forest green, and where else on earth are you going to find a forest green rose????
I actually didn't think the prices were all that crazy, but then again I was only in town for a few days visiting and hadn't found the same pieces anywhere else. I did say if I moved there I would absolutely need the 6 foot tall howling coyote in my front yard.
I spoke with a fellow traveler who was purchasing 2 or 3 iron horse heads. I heard her say something about shipping, and I incredulously asked, "Oh! You're going to have to ship those?" She said, "Yeah, we have to!"
I wouldn't want to see THAT bill but when you have to, you have to! I get that.