This mall is the closest to my home in Henderson. It's alright. It's a nice mall. Kinda boring but it has most of the stores I usually go to anyway. It's a good place to go & have a nice walk. =) At times the mall has activities for the kids which is cool. Sometimes they have performances from clowns & balloon art & stuff. Food court isn't that great but it'll do. Red Robin is in here & Chevy's Fresh Mex (mexican restaurant) is also in the mall which I haven't tried yet. I've noticed since I lived here, a lot of the stores come & go. At least it's a well maintained mall. Not as ghetto as some others i've seen. The water fall thingy in one part of the mall makes it sound relaxing. Some of the busiest times are obviously Christmas & Halloween. Great to bring kids here for Halloween although it can get a bit hectic. Also when the holiday characters come out like the Easter bunny, Santa, etc... It's only a 2-level mall so don't expect a whole bunch of stores here.