Attended the Cher concert on 3/22/14. The security experience was horrible & piss poor to say the least. First off the doors to the show didn't open until 7 PM. We were told they were to open at 6:30 PM. It was my understanding that the show promoter request the doors to be opened later. Of course we found this out as we were almost entering the arena. They were using metal detectors, checking purses & wanding random people. The lines were incredibly long. People were cutting in line.There was no organization whatsoever outside by any US Airways Arena personal or even Phoenix PD. It took 45 minutes or longer to get into the building. It could have been a very ugly scene outside. You would have thought we were going to see the President for crying out loud. I understand security checks are a part of our lives now no matter what type of event you go to anymore but the folks at US Airways Center need to tighten things up security wise. Check with your counterparts over at The University of Phoenix Stadium on how to get people through a security line quicker. Absolutely ridiculous!