As a graduate of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, the possibilities for pursing a career in the healing arts has been boundless.
The Teachers are amazing - truly. The curriculm is designed so that you actually learn the material rather then memorize and dump the info.In addition, their experiential approach and awareness of diversity in learning styles was clearly appreciated by most.
The staff are incredibly helpful and supportive and especially patient - with so many elective courses to choose from, it's nice to know you have an Advisor there to ensure your sucess.
I especially love that the School is "Spirit Directed" and is commited to their mission and the success of graduates. .
In 2004 I graduated with a degree in Mind/Body Transformational Psychology, a degree in Holistic Healthcare, and I took several hundered additional hours of training (I am not exaggerating) for personal and professional development simply becuase the school offers so much more than an education - it's a community.