Oh I want to rate this one higher than I think it deserves so badly! Having been in Las Vegas since I was a wee little one, Macayo's was a household name. We used to get their chips and salsa as a special treat and bring the chips home in s poet bag and the smooth salsa in a styrofoam coffee cup!
I still enjoy to this day their chips and salsa. The TCT is always a great appetizer as well. However, I'm saddened to say that overall, their food sucks. I have tried a large portion of things on the menu at one time or another and 90% of it is nothing special at all. This is a terrible reality for me as I want to say it's great. After being served what looked like a bowl of vomit today aka Chicken Chiliorio, I had to write the review. This sounded so tasty on the menu but comes out so awful looking and tasting I had to end lunch without eating it. Fortunately, the great service which is typical of Macayo's staff took it off the check.
Good things: chips and salsa & TCT
Mediocre at best: everything else I have tried.
I wish I could find a better place that hit the spot on both the chips and salsa and the main course. Those are hard to find a good balance of.
Three stars if you're selective on what you eat