I am reviewing their coffee service only at the Litchfield location. They roast the beans in house and are some of the best I have ever had for espresso. They have the very best Espresso machine and grinder that money can buy and I have never had a less than excellent shot of espresso. I have an Izzo Espresso machine and a Mazzer mini grinder at home so I buy a lot of coffee beans here. They do not seal the bags, they just roll them up and use metal tabs to keep them closed. They do not mark the roast date on the bags so it is a guess as far as freshness. The guy who does the roasting gives 5-star service and he is very knowledgeable. Problem is that I usually get one of the 22 year old "deer in the headlights when asked a question" waitresses when I buy coffee. Their web site just plain sucks, it does not have their addresses for the locations listed! There is some annoying music that restarts every time you go to a different page.