This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
My friends and I hardly ever come to the Venetian. Besides for our bi-annual trip to Morels, we don't tend to have many great experiences in this hotel. Yet again, we had dinner at the steakhouse and needed to dance off our gluttonous lifestyle.
We knew that this place had its kinks, but DAMN~!, some of the acts are downright freaky. If you don't mind a drag queen that looks like Dee Snider get down and dirty with a bottle of Jack then this is a fun atmosphere. There is no real dance floor, but any open space without a table is fair game. At certain points in the night; the crowd was able to dance around the performers and get on the stages.
The place was jammed pack on Friday. Everyone was having a great time dancing with their neighbors. For the first hour, ladies drink for free. The girls said that their drinks were weak, but you cannot complain about free drinks. We stayed out until 3am and it was a blast.