Shouldn't even get a star! Warranty company sent this joke of a company out, Joe "seemed" really nice and ended up being too much to deal with. Air conditioner needed to be completely replaced, it took him 3 days to kind of complete the work. I saw him fall through my ceiling, thank goodness I witnessed what had happened and he wasn't hurt. He didn't connect the condensation line causing water damage to another area of my ceiling, which he did come back and connect the next day. He told me the unit needed a part that he didn't have and would come back out to fix it. When my son called him to come out to place the part and fix the damage, he got extremely confrontational and aggressive. He never came back, not that I wanted him in my home again.
With all of that being said, I had to fix the ceiling myself and the part that was missing was allowing carbon monoxide to flow freely while my heater was being used!
He is no longer contracted with my warranty company...I wonder why.
I would save myself the headache and go with a reputable company even if the price is a little higher because it will end up costing you a lot more in the long run here!
I'm not sure how to respond to his comments so here it is:
The water damage was caused by not connecting the condensation line. It is not working for free when the job wasn't done correctly in the first place, it's making good on your mistakes! He makes it seem as if I did the damage somehow. Please BEWARE!!