I flew some work employees down to AZ for a training that lasted a week. Not being from AZ I went on Hotels.com and saw some fairly pleasant reviews about this hotel. I showed it to my reps and they loved the fact that it had a small kitchen that they could cook their own food! Great!! I booked the hotel
I get a call from one of my reps on Monday who is also at the brink of tears. She said that a huge baseball team was there with the families. Kids screaming, ruining up and down the hallways. Rooms were filthy, sheets were disgusting, towels not clean. Also this baseball team was indoors smoking pot...which lingered through the entire hotel. One of my girls stuffed dirty towels under the door to block the smoke coming into her room. Finally they had had enough, so they go to to the front desk and wait to stand in line behind the WHOLE OTHER GROUP OF GUESTS WHO WENT DOWN TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE SMOKE AND ALL THE NOISE THIS BASEBALL TEAM WAS MAKING.
The college kids who work the front desk really didn't give a rip and said "sorry, nothing we can do" I got a hold of the district managers cell phone and call and left a msg...did she call me back ..HELL NO....LOL..wasn't surprised that I didn't get one.
Needless to say I immediately moved them to the Comfort Inn in Chandler and they LOVED IT!! Clean, quiet...customer service was incredible!
I have any more trainings to send my reps to and this hotel most certainly will not get my money...........