| - I want to like this place, and in many ways, I do like it. The atmosphere is nice, and it's good to have Starbucks' presence on the North Side. However, the service here really stinks a lot of the time (although it has gotten better since they first opened). I had the absolute worst experience a few days ago with a barista who had an unnecessary altercation with a customer in front of me in line who asked her for a very simple thing ("Hey, please don't overfill that cup or the cream will run over the edge") and her snarky response was, "Sir, I've made this drink many times, I know what I'm doing." He said nothing more than this, but after he had left she blew her top and shouted very loudly so that everyone in the store could hear, "That guy is a fu@$ing idiot!" I was shocked. This wasn't the first time I had had a bad experience with this employee as she is frequently rude, dismissive, doesn't say thank you or have a nice day, frequently walks away from the register and says "hold on a minute" and then disappears into the back room for more time than would be reasonable. I could put up with the small, near-daily rudenesses that this employee exhibits but how she spoke about the gentleman in line in front of me the other morning was unconscionable and totally unprofesisonal and reflects really, really badly on this store.