Okay a not so good experience. Wanted to try this place out as i was trying out all the massage places. I usually just do foot i will only do back if i feel the foot was a good experience. Well okay this place is hugely advertise on the outside cannot be missed. Upon entry you are greeted and seated for whatever service you are looking for in my case was a foot massage. Was brought into a room with 3 sofa like chairs there was already one customer inside. This was perfectly fine with me i do expect privacy but i didnt mind... I was getting ready to sit down and wind down and possibly take a nap with the nice background music. Okay when the massager comes out with the barrel of hot water to soak your feet in she decides to talk with our next door neighbour beside me. I did not mind this but they were yapping non stop for 15 minutes laughing loud and just talking i was like you have the entire day to talk each other now respect your customers and do your job no need to be gossiping or talking during a treatment session. I walked away after the foot soak as i was just annoyed. Will not return ever and wouldnt recommend this place either avoid if you want relaxing. This is no spa experience.