| - I visited Stone Creek Dental which is part of DentalWorks network, on March 16, 2012 at location 5055 West Ray Rd., Chandler, AZ. I purchased a Living Social voucher to get four things done
1. My teeth cleaned
2. X-rays
3. Dental exam by their dentist
4. Take home teeth bleaching kit
When they did a periodontal probe, they said that I had periodontal disease, and my pockets were as deep as #6. I said I just had a "regular" $35 non periodontal disease cleaning at the end of Oct 2011 with my regular dentist and he did not say anything about periodontal disease. He said my gums were in good shape.
I did not have any bleeding or inflamed gums when I entered the Stone Creek office that day March 16, 2012 and I had gotten other teeth cleanings thru Groupon, where another hygenist spent 1 hour cleaning my teeth and she gave me one of the best cleanings I ever had in my life. No one in that office mentioned periodontal disease.
How was I to know how far down the Stone Creek hygienist was pushing that probe down HARD to (exaggerate) measure my gum pockets. When I asked this question, Stone Creek hygienist said that then it would hurt me if she pushed down further than necessary. Because she is in my mouth, I cannot see what she is doing with my own eyes. She could call every 3 or 4 pocket and 5 or 6 so that I would have "periodontal disease".
As a result, Stone Creek Dental refused to clean my teeth. Stone Creek said my periodontal disease was so severe that they said that I had to have "root planing and scaling" (this is the most drastic treatment of 3 levels, the first level is regular cleaning which is what I had 4 months before. Stone Creek gave me a treatment plan, that they would charge me $872.00 to treat my "periodontal disease".
When I said what about the "teeth whitening", office told me "that is ONLY for people who get their teeth cleaned there", and as you will see below, they wanted $872. to clean my teeth in that office. So I didn't get teeth whitening either.
And when I asked for my X-rays, they told me they would only give me my X-rays if I paid another $25 for "duplication fee". So I did not get my X-rays either.
When I got my statement, showing what they had done, they listed that they did prophylactic cleaning and free teeth whitening, the exam, perio charting, and put .00 charges. However I did not get the cleaning or teeth whitening, it only SAYS so on the paperwork I walked out with.
So in the following 1.5 weeks, I made appointments with THREE other dentists, maybe four, I forgot.
Not a one perio probe in other dental offices matched the severity of Stone Creek. One of the dentists told me that Stone Creek was scamming me. The other dentists would not comment about another office. They all measured my pockets 3 and 4, but not 5 and 6 that Stone Creek said they measured in the SAME TEETH and the SAME places in the gums next to those teeth. The other offices said 3 and 4 pockets are not unusual for age 61, especially around the molars.
I have at hand the four perio charts that the other dental offices did as a second, third and fourth opinion for me, When I asked and told the same story about what happened at Stone Creek, ALL THE DENTISTS told me that I did not need the root planing and scaling that Stone Creek was trying to charge me almost $1000 for. In the end I only got the dental exam from Stone Creek office, which is the least thing that I needed out of that deal. I felt they were bait and switch when you get in their office. I felt cheated.
I later found out from Living Social, that StoneCreek put down on my invoice, that they performed all the services listed on the voucher (that they did not REALLY do) because if they didn't say they did them, they would not get the money I paid to Living Social for the "deal".