My first experience at Rosati's wasn't the best. I'd compare it to being cat-fished on Tinder; all hopes were swept away on first sight like the dirt piling up under the rug. To start, I had to deal with the salty bears fans lingering around after their devastating lost in week 1; come on what did you expect, You haven't had a great season since 85 and I wouldn't expect another one any time soon.
To start,I was denied the sweet, sweet nectar of a tasty citradelic and having to settle for something less. I like Union Jack, but it doesn't take my taste buds on the same glorious adventure as citrusy taste of liquid gold chilling every nerve in my mouth . As for the food, it tasted alright once I got to enjoy after everyone else at the table. I felt like the red headed step child getting scraps tossed to him at a separate table from the rest of the family.
Overall, I'd like to give this place a rating of 3.015. The best way to some up my experience is like watching the Lions; you go in with high hopes only to be disappointed in the end.