I've eaten there a few times in the past but all it takes is one bad time and I'm done.
Have you ever gone into a place and ordered and just get this bad feeling? Yeah...that's about every time I go into here.
The place is never clean. Which kind of makes it feel like an authentic Tijuana taco shop. Honestly. It's always the bare minimum of clean....Which is kind of expected with a 24 hour place. But, maybe closing for a few hours on a slow night for a deep cleaning would help.
So, I always get a kind of feeling that I'm gambling with my stomach but the first couple of times, it was actually pretty decent after I finished eating.
I usually get carne asada fries. I mean...throughout my life, carne fries. Years and years in San Diego and SoCal and this has always been my go-to. I've gotten it here and it's surprisingly one of the better versions. I say surprisingly because just about every taco place I've been to in Vegas is kind of disappointing. Even the upper scale taco shops. But, this one makes it exactly the way I like...loaded!!! Loaded with piles of everything. It's a meal!
But, this last time I got my alternate go-to because I wanted something a little smaller. California burrito with guacamole added ( because apparently guacamole isn't included ), which is basically a carne fries in a burrito. $7.50
It took an unusual amount of time and it wasn't that busy so I started getting an uneasy feeling. The cooks were talking a lot with each other and I don't like that happening when I'm waiting for an order especially if it's taking awhile. There were a couple of customers and a strange air filled the place. I noticed everyone waiting started looking over at why their orders was taking so long. A bad sign.
About an hour after eating, I started getting stomach cramps and now at 4am, I'm waking up with stomach pains. Not sure what else it could be because that was the only thing I ate all day.
I may still give the place another chance but it will not be a priority for me. The lack of cleanliness alone is usually enough for me to find other places.