| - I hiked this trail earlier today. I waited until now to write my review because, if I had written it at the time, my post would have looked like this:
cv jkl;/.mbg dnm,;askjdf;lku q;oiwualsrtyuio8sedfghjkl;mbgvfuq
See that? That's the sight of my head hitting the keyboard out of sheer, soul-crushing exhaustion.
Now, I'm in decent shape. I run marathons and work out religiously (P90X style... yeah baby). However, I was NOT prepared for this "easy hike" in Fletcher Canyon.
I think it's really a matter of perception and relativity. An easy to moderate hike, to me, means a slight incline. In the Midwest, it would have been exactly that - an easy to moderate hike for people who want to take a leisurely stroll through the wilderness. This was NOT THAT EASY. Maybe if you were a veteran, sure. However, if you are expecting to go trotting through the woods like Snow White and whistle some happy tune, you're misguided. Birds and dwarves are not gonna appear. Well, maybe birds...but mostly to poop on your head or steal your snack.
I was not expecting this to be that hard. My two stars have nothing to do with scenic beauty and EVERYTHING to do with expectations. The signs at the trailhead state that the hike takes 30 minutes one-way. My ass (My SLOW ass, maybe...but my ass). I looked like a pasty, sweaty sloth trying to ascend the last little bit of the trail. It was like we were climbing directly up the side of the stupid Matterhorn. If I had seen a squirrel or other furry woodland creature, I probably would have kicked it out of sheer frustration (and of course I'm being facetious, so no need to call PETA).
If you're an avid hiker, I'm sure this is for you. And again, I'm not even beginning to judge the scenery. But if you're like me and you love things like malls and air conditioning and are just expecting to have a freaking Disney moment out there, you're gonna be in for a rude awakening. Bring water. Lots of it. Better yet, stay home where you have a faucet. Unless you're a hiking fool... then, by all means, have at it. While you're busting buns, I'll be sitting on mine.