Don't sign up at this gym!! I have been coming to this gym since June. Out of the blue a young kid named Jesus( general manager) lol told me I'm not allow to cArry a gym bag on the floor and that I need to put it in a locker. Ya no need for that I will just cancel my membership. One has ever came up to me and advised me of this policy. Maybe you should go over your policy's, some people need to carry their medical things. Ya I will go to a normal gym and not be criticized
In response to the comment made by your customer service rep. Gym bag was on the side of machine it's impossible for someone to trip cause you can't walk in between machines. Gym isn't responsible for stolen items in lockers so I rather take my gym bag and go someplace else. In a recent post someone had their items stolen and no action was taken. Yet you allowed people on couple occasions to work out in flip flops, bare feet on tread mill etc.