I suppose you can just
Cut up chunks of fish and call it Sashimi...
Toss fish onto rice and call it Nigiri...
Roll fish into, umm rolls and call it Maki...
Unfortunately, it is not good enough; not near enough.
To be very honest I was expecting a whole other level of sushi experience. Instead, the sashimi looked like trail ends and leftover chunks of scrap (untrimmed with the grey parts intact, and not sliced in 'sashimi fashion' but rather in actual chunks like what you'd feed your dog as scraps). The nigiri and the rolls were no better. At best 'bland', at worst 'criminal' for passing it off as sushi.
The worst offense was watching the cashier cut cucumbers and then handle the cash screen, money, people's cards, and then go back to cutting cucumbers WITHOUT WASHING HER HANDS! WTF??
I don't know how all of these great reviews keep popping up - hopefully this was a bad batch, but sorry guys you have to do better - if there is a next time I order a follow up review will appear as well.
Until then, I'm looking for better sushi....which should be very easy.