I'm not going to waste a bunch of space here talking about what Starbuck's drink is my favorite because I'm sure that anyone reading this has probably been to a Starbuck's or 10. What I will do is critique this particular location at Rainbow and Oakey.
This location is near my place of employment as well as my wife's so we stop here with great regularity. As is the case with most Starbuck's, the staff is very friendly and quite cognoscente of customer wait times. This is a tall order considering the extra customer load that was heaped upon this store when the shop at Charleston and Torrey Pines was closed. Even with the expanded workload the service is always great. I occasionally go inside to make my purchase, but I find that the drive thru is a better option when I'm in a hurry.
One suggestion I will make on the beverage front is the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. It's a seasonal thing that comes out during the holidays. If you haven't tried it, you really should. Some people get a little hung up on the "salted" part of the name, but trust me, it's worth a try. After trying it once I was hooked!