| - When somebody writes about a laundromat and says, "I love this place" and "This is the Cadillac of laundromats", then that is the kind of laundromat for me!
My stupid washer decided to crap out on the Sunday between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so by the time I bought a new washing machine I had to wait 10days to get my washer delivered!! Boo! Of course I had been out of town three times in the last three weeks so I had a monstrous load of laundry and my dog was sick so I had some nasty smelling towels, so I decided I just needed to suck it up and venture to a laundromat. After lots of Yelp searches, review reading and phone calls to laundromats I decided on Eco Laundry. My research paid off!
Eco Laundry has lots of washers with multiple capacities:
1load washer- $1.25
2 load washer- $2.50
3 load washer- $3.75
5load washer- $4.50
6load washer- $6.00
They are all arranged in a very organized fashion with large signs to help you find what you are looking for.
They also have two sizes of driers:
Standard load dryer: $0.25 for 8minutes I believe
50lb load commercial drier: $0.50 for initial 4minutes and I think $0.25 for every additional 4 after it starts.
Since I was making the trek to the laundromat, I decided to do my comforter and all my dog's blankets and stuff. I had around 10-12 loads that I washed and dried for about $30 in 2hours! Honestly the most pain in the butt part of it was unloading it and putting it all away when I made it home!
As far as the interior goes it was as pleasant as a laundromat could be. Brightly lit room with Flat screen TVs throughout, clocks on the walls, stocked up vending machine, soap machine, and coin dispenser. Oh and FREE wifi! The cleanliness was far superior than any other laundromat I have been in. The bathroom is kept locked, which I assume is for cleanliness and anti-loitering reasons, but you can easily ask the attendant for the key. Speaking of the attendants, they have great customer service! When I called and while I was there, the attendants were very informative and pleasant. The clientele was a combo of college students, a few couples and some randoms doing larger household items like comforters. I ended up meeting a very pleasant couple from NYC and we chatted while we handled our laundry. All around I have absolutely no complaints. If I ever need a laundromat in the valley of the sun, Eco Laundry will forever be my spot!
Oh and make sure to bring cash! All machines operate on quarters only.